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Cost comparison

The following comparative charts include prices for some of the clinical procedures performed in the US and Mexico. 

Although the sums are purely estimates, which vary depending on the hospital and the patients’ clinical conditions, Monterrey continues to be the best option for specialized healthcare services due to its cost – benefit ratio. 

Coronary Bypass

United States

$ 36,000.00 USD

Monterrey, México

$ 8,800.00 USD

Hip Joint Replacement

United States

$ 33,000.00 USD

Monterrey, México

$ 14,400.00 USD


United States

$ 11,000.00 USD

Monterrey, México

$ 5,500.00 USD

Gastric Bypass

United States

$ 25,000.00 USD

Monterrey, México

$ 12,000.00 USD

Robotic Assisted Prostatectomy

United States

$ 49,000.00 USD

Monterrey, México

$ 24,700.00 USD

Source: Patients Beyond Borders, by Josef Woodman, Monterrey Edition